Edward Michael

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CD Track listing

Isabelle Aubier piano, Anne Loubris soprano, Eric Mélon, violion, Didier Poskin cello.

Chant d’Espérance (Song of Hope) for cello and piano.
for violin and piano
Cinq Stèles Antiques (Five Ancient Monuments) for celtic harp or piano
La barque enchantée (The Enchanted Craft) for piano
La légende de la fée d’un ruisseau
The Legend of the Fairy of the Stream) for piano
Les Pleiades (The Pleiades) for soprano and piano

Chant d’espérance – (Song of Hope) for cello and piano

Sonata for violin and piano

Works for piano

Cinq Stèles Antiques (Five Ancient Monuments) for celtic harp or piano

La barque enchantée  (The Enchanted Craft) for piano

La légende de la fée d’un ruisseau   (The Legend of the Fairy of the Stream)  for piano

Les Pléiades – (The Pleiades) for soprano and piano (eight movements) based on poems of A.E. Hausmann